The neXtProt SPARQL endpoint is accessible at: http://uv52ys.wcbzw.com via HTTP GET or POST (see below).
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- NXQ_00004 - Proteins highly expressed in brain but not expressed in testis
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- NXQ_00147 - Proteins with a variant having an impact on the nucleus localization at level GOLD
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- NXQ_00126 - Peptides that are potential neo N-termini from undescribed isoforms
- NXQ_00148 - Variants with normal "ubiquitin-protein transferase activity" and decreased or increased binding to UBE2D1 (example: BRCA1-p.Ile89Thr)
Note that your saved queries can also be retrieved in the SNORQL environment if you are logged in.
Further links: You may want to have a look also at the presentation Practical Introduction to SPARQL and play with the The SPARQL playground.
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The following example, shows how to query the SPARQL endpoint using your UNIX terminal and saving your query in a file. Create a file called query.sparql and paste the following content:PREFIX : <http://nextprot.org/rdf#>
PREFIX cv: <http://nextprot.org/rdf/terminology/>
select distinct ?entry where {
?entry :isoform ?iso.
?iso :keyword / :term cv:KW-0597.
?iso :cellularComponent /:term /:childOf cv:SL-0086.
Save and close the file, then execute the query as follows:
QUERY=$(<query.sparql) && curl -X POST -H "Accept:application/sparql-results+json" --data-urlencode "query=$QUERY" http://uv52ys.wcbzw.com/
You will find the complete list of prefixes in http://snorql.nextprot.org/ (click on PREFIX....)